
Invited Talks at International Meetings

Invited Seminars

Contributed Talks


Other Talks

  • 45. Implicit Likelihood Inference while efficiently checking for survey systematics
    01-02-2024, Euclid Galaxy Clustering Science Working Group meeting, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, France slides
  • 44. Additional probes and alternative techniques for galaxy clustering
    31-01-2024, Euclid Galaxy Clustering Science Working Group meeting, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, France slides
  • 43. Simulation-based inference pipelines for Euclid data
    21-06-2023, Euclid Consortium meeting 2023, Copenhagen, Danemark slides
  • 42. Likelihood-free large-scale structure inference with robustness to model misspecification
    15-06-2023, Cosmology & Gravitation seminar, Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden slides
  • 41. Hopes and challenges in data science for cosmology
    15-12-2022, ASNUM2022 : Journées de l'Action Spécifique Numérique de l'INSU, Lyon, France slides
  • 40. Perfectly parallel cosmological simulations using spatial comoving Lagrangian acceleration
    17-11-2022, Colloque national action Dark Energy 2022, Marseille, France slides
  • 39. Simulation-based inference, Bayesian hierarchical models, and model misspecification
    15-09-2022, Simons Collaboration on Learning the Universe, Annual Meeting 2022 (remote presentation), New York, USA slides
  • 38. Thème : Grandes Structures & Projet : Euclid
    16-05-2022, Séminaire interne de l'IAP, Jardins de l'Anjou, Mauges-sur-Loire, France slides
  • 37. Forward modelling the large-scale structure: perfectly parallel simulations and simulation-based inference
    20-01-2022, London Cosmology Discussion Meeting (remote presentation), Royal Astronomical Society, London, UK slides
  • 36. Forward modelling the large-scale structure: perfectly parallel simulations and simulation-based inference
    12-10-2020, Colloque Action Dark Energy (remote presentation), France slides
  • 35. Galaxy Clustering with Likelihood-Free Inference (GCLFI project): Prospects and Forecasts for Euclid
    20-04-2020, Euclid Galaxy Clustering Science Working Group (remote presentation) slides
  • 34. Perfectly parallel cosmological simulations using spatial comoving Lagrangian acceleration
    07-04-2020, "Journal-club Univers" at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (remote presentation), Paris, France slides
  • 33. Simulator Expansion for Likelihood-Free Inference, Prospects for Euclid
    04-02-2020, Euclid (GC-WL-CG-LE3) meeting, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France slides
  • 32. Simulator Expansion for Likelihood-Free Inference, Prospects for Euclid
    17-12-2019, Euclid UK 2019 meeting, Royal Astronomical Society, London, UK slides
  • 31. Bayesian inference with black-box cosmological models
    20-09-2019, Approximate Bayesian Computation and novel Bayesian approaches in cosmostatistics, workshop at the Université Clermont-Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France slides
  • 30. The Cosmic Web: Theory, Simulations, Observations, Reconstructions
    31-07-2019, Review talk, Astrophysics Group, Imperial College London, London, UK slides
  • 29. Bayesian analyses of galaxy surveys
    08-07-2019, Cosmology group, Laboratoire Astroparticule & Cosmologie (APC), Paris, France slides
  • 28. Density reconstruction via Bayesian large-scale structure inference
    05-06-2019, Euclid Consortium meeting 2019, Helsinki, Finland slides
  • 27. Likelihood-free inference techniques for cosmology
    22-03-2019, The Most Ancient Heavens, conference at the Royal Astronomical Society, London, UK slides
  • 26. Density reconstruction via Bayesian large-scale structure inference
    17-12-2018, Euclid UK meeting 2018, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK slides
  • 25. Inference with generative cosmological models
    20-06-2018, Astrophysics Group, University College London, London, UK slides
  • 24. Simulation-based large-scale structure inference
    23-01-2018, "Journal-club Univers" at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France slides
  • 23. Bayesian optimisation for likelihood-free cosmological inference
    29-03-2017, Theory group meeting, Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK slides
  • 22. Cosmic web analysis in the SDSS main galaxy sample and implications for galaxy colors
    26-01-2017, "Journal-club Galaxies" at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France slides
  • 21. The phase-space structure of nearby dark matter
    24-01-2017, "Journal-club Univers" at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France slides
  • 20. The phase-space structure of nearby dark matter as constrained by the SDSS main galaxy sample
    15-12-2016, ICAP meeting, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France slides
  • 19. Cosmic web analysis with the BORG SDSS run
    31-10-2016, Bayesian large-scale structure workshop, Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Garching, Germany slides
  • 18. Cosmic web analysis and information theory: some recent results
    05-01-2016, "Journal-club Univers" at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France slides
  • 17. Bayesian large-scale structure inference and cosmic web analysis
    24-09-2015, PhD defence, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France slides
  • 16. Bayesian large-scale structure inference and cosmic web analysis
    30-04-2015, Large-scale structure group meeting, Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK slides
  • 15. Bayesian large-scale structure inference and cosmic web analysis
    03-04-2015, Journée des thèses, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France slides
  • 14. Bayesian large-scale structure inference and cosmic web analysis
    05-03-2015, ICAP meeting, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France slides
  • 13. Cosmic order and complexity
    25-02-2015, YMCA, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France slides
  • 12. Cosmic order and complexity
    12-12-2014, Elbereth 2014 conference, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France slides
  • 11. Bayesian inference and cosmic web classification
    15-05-2014, ICAP meeting, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France slides
  • 10. Bayesian large-scale structure inference: initial conditions and cosmic voids
    09-04-2014, YMCA, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France slides
  • 9. Bayesian inference of the initial conditions from large-scale structure surveys
    14-03-2014, Journée des thèses, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France slides
  • 8. Cosmostatistics: the initial conditions and the large-scale structure of the Universe
    27-11-2013, Elbereth 2013 conference, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France slides
  • 7. Cosmostatistics: the initial conditions and the large-scale structure of the Universe
    20-11-2013, PhD, Astroparticules & Cosmologie, Paris, France slides
  • 6. Cosmostatistics: the initial conditions and the large-scale structure of the Universe
    09-11-2013, Strings, Cosmology and Gravity Student Conference 2013, Max-Planck-Institute for Physics, Munich, Germany slides
  • 5. Cosmostatistics: the initial conditions and the large-scale structure of the Universe
    09-07-2013, Post-Planck Cosmology Summer School, Les Houches, France slides
  • 4. The initial conditions and the large-scale structure of the Universe
    12-06-2013, YMCA, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France slides
  • 3. Optimizing Lagrangian perturbation theory in the mildly non-linear regime of cosmic structure formation via one-point remapping
    26-04-2013, Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, New Jersey, USA slides
  • 2. The large-scale structure of the Universe as a probe of primordial physics
    29-03-2013, Journée des thèses, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France slides
  • 1. Large-scale structure and cosmic voids as probes of primordial physics
    12-12-2012, Elbereth 2012 conference, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France slides