This is the repository for the public releases of data products that follow a chrono-cosmographic analysis of the three-dimensional large-scale structure of the nearby Universe, as traced by SDSS main sample galaxies. These data are the product of a collaboration of Jens Jasche, Florent Leclercq and Benjamin Wandelt, with additional contributions from Nico Hamaus, Guilhem Lavaux and P.M. Sutter.

The BORG SDSS data release is organised in the form of several "packages" (see below); each of them is related to some of our publications. These contain three-dimensional maps of the Universe, object catalogues, and Jupyter notebooks that permit to reproduce the results of our papers. Each package consists of a tar.gz archive available from the Aquila Consortium and linked below, as well as a Jupyter notebook available from the GitHub repository. Packages are also stored in the GitHub repository via GitHub LFS. Please refer to the notebook in each of the packages for more information on the data and their use, as well as a list of the papers to cite.
For questions or request of additional data products, please do not hesitate to contact us, or to create a new issue in the GitHub repository.

GitHub pagetar.gz archive (120.6 MB)
September 2014Jasche et al. 2015
Three-dimensional posterior mean and standard deviation for the density contrast.

GitHub pagetar.gz archive (313.1 MB)
October 2014Leclercq et al. 2015a
Catalogues of dark matter voids in the SDSS volume and in corresponding unconstrained realisations; void density profiles. Please also visit

GitHub pagetar.gz archive (114.2 MB)
February & March 2015Leclercq et al. 2015b & Leclercq et al. 2015c
Three-dimensional probabilistic maps of cosmic web-types, using the T-web definition; python code to compute the entropy and information gain; python code to implement the decision theory formalism of arXiv:1503.00730.

GitHub pagetar.gz archive (266.1 MB)
January 2016Leclercq et al. 2017
Three-dimensional probabilistic maps of cosmic web-types, using the DIVA definition.

GitHub pagetar.gz archive (258.8 MB)
January 2016Leclercq et al. 2017
Three-dimensional probabilistic maps of cosmic web-types, using the ORIGAMI definition.

GitHub pagetar.gz archive (422.2 MB)
January 2016Leclercq et al. 2017
Three-dimensional posterior mean and variance for the velocity field.

GitHub pagetar.gz archive (234.3 MB)
June 2016Leclercq et al. 2016
Python code to compute Kullback-Leibler and Jensen-Shannon divergences; three-dimensional map of the Jensen-Shannon divergence between web-type posteriors for different dark energy models (section III.B); galaxy catalogue with colours and environmental web-type; python code to compute the information gain on galaxy colours (section III.C).