Énergie noire et intelligence artificielle
(Conférence à l'Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris le 2 avril 2024)
La satellite Euclid et l'analyse de ses données :
énergie noire, information et incertitude
(Conférence au festival d'astronomie de Fleurance le 11 août 2023)
The Universe on a mobile phone
(Press coverage of Leclercq et al. 2020)
- Blog post (25 May 2020): Simulating the Universe on a mobile phone
- Article in The Conversation France (26 May 2020): "Vers une simulation de l’Univers sur un téléphone portable" (in French)
- Press release from Imperial College London (29 May 2020): "Misfolded proteins and simulating the Universe: News from the College"
Novel maps of matter flows in our cosmic neighbourhood
(Press coverage of Leclercq et al. 2017)
- Press release from the University of Portsmouth: "Cosmologists produce new maps of dark matter dynamics", covered by phys.org among others.
- More detailed press document: "Novel maps of matter flows in our cosmic neighbourhood" pdf
- Announcement on the website of INSU: "De nouvelles cartes des flots de matière noire dans notre voisinage cosmique" (in French) pdf.
- Interview by Pan European Networks: Science & Technology (Issue 24, September 2017): "A light in the dark" pdf
- Article in Discover magazine (November 2017 issue): "Charting the unseen sky" pdf
- Science highlight from the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris: "The origin of the large-scale structure of the Universe and dark matter flows in our cosmic neighborhood" (also in French here)
- Article in Science & Vie (Issue 1233, June 2020): "5 télescopes à l'assaut de la toile cosmique: À l'assaut des vides, 100 000 bulles obscures vont être cartographiées" pdf (in French)
- Article in Science & Vie (Issue 1234, July 2020): "La Voie lactée se trouverait au milieu du plus grand vide de l'Univers" (in French)
Stars containing dark matter should look different from other stars
(Press coverage of Iocco et al. 2012)
- Feature story on phys.org: "Stars containing dark matter should look different from other stars"