My PhD

After three years' work in the group of Prof. Benjamin Wandelt, I defended my PhD thesis on September 24th, 2015 at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris. In its report, the jury underlines in particular the "exceptionally strong scientific content of this PhD, which pushes forward the state of the art". The jury was composed of

PhD defence


Last update: 13-09-2022

You can download the full version of the thesis (including high-resolution figures) using this link (it is about 120 MB). A lighter version is here (16 MB), and you can download chapter by chapter using the following links.



The thesis has been updated since it was archived on HAL and on arXiv. The version available on this page is the most recent. A list of corrections is provided below. Please send me new corrections by email. Thank you!

Preface and viii: Various typos corrected.

Chapter 1

p.25: References to Melott, 1994 and Sahni & Coles, 1995 added.
p.26, before equation (1.145): Reference for the frozen flow approximation (Matarrese et al., 1992) added.
p.26, before equation (1.149): References for the linearly-evolving potential approximation (Brainerd, Scherrer & Villumsen, 1993, Bagla & Padmanabhan, 1994) added.

Chapter 3

p.50, section 3.1.1: "this probability (definition)" now reads "this definition of probability".

Chapter 4

p.70, figure 4.3, right panel: Colorbar labels fixed.

Chapter 6

p.96: Reference for the renormalization group flow (Matarrese & Pietroni, 2007) corrected.

Chapter 9

p.131 The quote by Claude Shannon now appears after the table of contents, as it should.

Appendix B

p.166:  Missing factor of H(0)2 added in the right-hand side of equation (B.6) and in the kick prefactor. I thank Ewoud Wempe for spotting this mistake.
p.170, 172, 173 and 174: Various typos corrected.
p.176, figure B.3: Labels corrected.
p.178, equation (B74): Fixed units so that initial LPT momenta are in physical units.


The slides of my defence are here and a video recording is here (I thank Jean Mouette for the recording). Unfortunately, the first two minutes (including my introduction joke!) have not been recorded.